Monday, August 14, 2017

MoCo Council Spanish radio program discusses...federal immigration issue?

A taxpayer-funded Spanish-language radio propaganda program used to promote Montgomery County Council incumbents to the Latino community was an even-greater waste of taxpayer funds this past Friday. En SintonĂ­a con el Concejo del Conado de Montgomery is said to be a program that "talks about important issues before the Council." But the most recent program topic was on a federal immigration law decision by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth District, which extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) eligibility for some immigrants.

This issue is not before the Council, and surely is being discussed on other programs on WACA-AM and other Spanish language radio stations in the area. Instead the Council used taxpayer money to comment on national politics, a complete abuse of the system. The main guest was a representative of CASA de Maryland, which is one of the largest benefactors of Montgomery County taxpayer funds, and biggest political backers of the County Council.

No political challengers to the Council - Democrat, Republican, or Green - have ever been allowed to appear on this taxpayer-funded program, a violation of the FCC rules on equal time. The payment of taxpayer funds to WACA also raises serious ethical issues, as WACA provides news coverage of the County Council that is paying them.


  1. Not a good week to be a Hater, Dyer.

    Also, your claim about "FCC rules" is complete bullshit.

    1. 5:29: How is reporting on corruption "hating?" You sound like you've overdosed on fake news from Charlottesville. FCC rules require this program to allow political challengers equal time. It is a taxpayer-funded ad, not a legitimate news program, and therefore not exempt from the rules.

      "The equal-time rule specifies that U.S. radio and television broadcast stations must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who request it. This means, for example, that if a station gives a given amount of time to a candidate in prime time, it must do the same for another candidate who requests it."

    2. What "fake news from Charlottesville"?

    3. 10:04: Just one of many examples: today's Washington Post gives a list of items thrown by Antifa at rallygoers - but falsely claims they were thrown at Antifa by the alt-right folks. Total BS. They were walking peacefully to the park, and Charlottesville intentionally withdrew their police escort and protection to ensure people would get hurt. Disgusting, and unconstitutional to boot. #FakeNews

    4. "They were walking peacefully to the park"

      Wait, who was walking peacefully to the park? You mean the Nazis? Are you suggesting that there are peaceful reasons for Nazis to do something?

    5. 3:12: The rally attendees were walking peacefully to the park. They have a Constitutional right to peacefully assemble and speak, which was denied by the City of Charlottesville and State of Virginia.

      Instead, police were ordered to stand down, as Antifa terrorists were allowed to use mace, pepper spray, acid, flamethrowers, rocks, human waste, baseball bats, and more against attendees. The police escort and barricade planned never materialized. The rally organizers had a permit, and a federal court injunction.

      Very few people there were "Nazis;" that is a fake news version of reality. But even the most offensive or unpopular speech is protected under the law.

      Are you advocating violence against people for their speech and views? I don't believe anyone should be punched just because I hate what they are saying. Fortunately, the Constitution backs me up on that.

    6. The Nazis were not walking peacefully. They were carrying tiki torches and chanting Nazi nonsense.

      I'm advocating violence against Nazis, yes. Are you suggesting WWII shouldn't have happened?

    7. Also, remind me: how many Nazis and fascist protestors were killed during their march?

      And then how many counter protestors were killed?

  2. Montgomery County should try and help these people learn English,which is the only universal language in existence.Montgomery County should not even have a radio program like this.

  3. The Equal Time Rule applies specifically to candidates making campaign statements. It does not apply to every single comment made by elected officials on radio or TV, Dyer, you moron.

    1. 10:49: Wrong. If they are featured on this radio program, they must give challengers equal time. This isn't a quote during a news report on something. It is a featured appearance during which they speak at length and with softball questions from a paid host, not acting as a journalist.

  4. Hey Dyer - Looks like your former hero Larry Hogan has called for removing the statue of Justice Roger Taney from the Maryland State House.

  5. With the way things are heading in this country as far as immigrants not assimilating and not wanting to speak English or have any kind of commonality,it looks like America is heading toward balkinization.I certainly hope this is not happening,but it seems possible.The world has seen how this works in the past with the Austro Hungarian Empire and other countries.E pluribus Unum is "Out of many,one" not,Out of many,many.

  6. "immigrants not assimilating and not wanting to speak English or have any kind of commonality"

    You're an idiot. You have obviously never traveled out of your white ghetto.

    1. you sound like a pretty rude,uneducated person.I notice there seems to be a lot of name calling and intimidation of people making comments on this blog.that would be a typical left wing way of responding because the left has lost all ability to debate,all the left can do is promote the curtailment of free speech by acts of violence.

    2. 8:54 PM - You sound like a delicate alt-right snowflake.

  7. How many police officers were killed in Dallas,Texas by a left wing BLM supporter on July 7 2016?Horrible violence occurs on both sides,but the media understates the violence by the left.
