Dr. Maynard Moore, a Rockville resident affiliated with the National Association of Recreational Equality, asked the Mayor and Council Monday to add recreational sports programs that promote cooperation, rather than competition. Referring to Sunday's Super Bowl, Moore said "we can be thankful that apparently no one was seriously hurt. This spring the City of Rockville will be providing classes for teaching...'defeat others' combat sports," sports he said may be "conducive to aggression."
Referring to football, soccer, basketball and hockey, Moore cited research that suggests such competitive, "opponent-oriented" sports are "enhancing violence among young people," and may lead to bullying.
Moore did not suggest the city cancel the traditional sports classes, but asked the Mayor and Council to add one or two classes that would "foster cooperation, rather than aggression," such as bankshot basketball.
Mayor Bridget Newton said the city already has three bankshot basketball facilities.