Showing posts with label Rockville Swim Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rockville Swim Center. Show all posts

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Summer job hiring event at Rockville Swim Center

Looking for a swimming pool or fitness-related job for the summer? Mark your calendar for the special hiring event at the Rockville Swim Center at 355 Martins Lane on March 29, 2023 from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM. The walk-in event will provide the opportunities for preliminary interviews, and to participate in tests to demonstrate your skills. Training will be available. Job seekers should bring their swimsuit, a towel, and their summer calendar. The swim center is owned and operated by the City of Rockville.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Rockville Swim Center loosening pandemic restrictions

Pandemic restrictions continue to loosen in Rockville and across the country. Among these are several changes in protocols at the Rockville Swim Center, located at 355 Martins Lane. 

Effective now, no face coverings are required in outdoor areas at the center, except for when checking in for an outdoor reservation. Masks are still required indoors, including in the gym, except while in the water.

Beginning this Saturday, May 29, 2021, reservations will no longer be needed for the outdoor Fitness and Recreation Pools, indoor North Pool, or Fitness Room. Users may return to sharing a lap lane with others in these areas, without limitations on the number of swimmers per lane. 

Use of the center will also no longer be restricted to City of Rockville residents and facility members, also effective May 29. The whirlpool and sauna remain closed for the time being.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Rockville Mayor & Council to dedicate new Swim Center upgrades March 1

Rockville's Mayor and Council will be on hand this Sunday, March 1, 2020, at 2:00 PM to dedicate the renovated Rockville Swim Center at 355 Martins Lane. Improvements include an updated lobby and expanded locker room facilities. Work continues on further updates at the swim center. Sunday's event is free, and open to the public.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Rockville Swim Center upgrades to debut January 22

The first of several upcoming improvements at the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center will be open to the public on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. Visitors Wednesday will be the first to have access to the all-new lobby area, and the larger, modernized locker rooms. Additional exterior and interior work will continue in the months ahead, requiring the section of the parking lot furthest from Martins Lane to remain closed at this time. The swim center is located at 355 Martins Lane.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Open house tonight on Rockville Swim Center improvements

An open house will be held from 7:00-9:00 PM tonight, May 6, 2015, at the Rockville Swim Center, at 355 Martins Lane in Rockville. The purpose is to get citizen feedback on proposed upgrades and renovations at the center, and answer questions.

A report outlining the needs of the facility, and the proposed options for renovation, is available to read online.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


The Rockville Department of Recreation and Parks presented an audit and options for repairs and improvements to the Rockville Swim Center at last night's Mayor and Council meeting. Smolen-Emr-Ilkovitch Architects (SEI) was hired by the City last year to conduct the audit. The 1968 facility remains a popular one for city residents and swim teams.

SEI's audit found the center generally in good condition, but identified code violations in the locker room and tot pool, and structural concerns in the outdoor filter room. Filtration systems in general could use an upgrade, and aging and deterioration need to be addressed where necessary.

The Mayor and Council have already approved a replacement of the South Pool Deck, and renovation of the HVAC system. That November 2014 decision is funding a new pool deck, repairs to the structural pool walls, and air quality improvements to the South Pool Natatorium.

In addition to making budget decisions about immediate, short and long-term renovations and repairs, several potential additions to the site were discussed.

Councilmember Virginia Onley said she would like Rockville's Swim Center to be upgraded to be competitive with Montgomery County's Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center, which she said is drawing some Rockville residents away. Councilman Tom Moore recommended holded a town hall meeting to get public input on what residents would like to see added. Mayor Bridget Newton agreed, and said that, if a town hall meeting can't be held, there should at least be a public comment period added to a future Mayor and Council meeting for resident feedback.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Moody's and Standard and Poors have reaffirmed Rockville's AAA bond rating. The reaffirmation was related to Monday's sale of General Obligation Bonds by the city. In announcing their decision, both agencies cited the city's "conservative fiscal management, its strong policies and practices, the city's ample reserve levels, and its low debt burden," according to City Manager Barbara Matthews.

The rating means that financing for improvements to the city's Civic Center and the Rockville Swim Center will proceed as planned. Water, sewer and stormwater improvements will also be funded by the bond sale.

Raymond James & Associates had the winning bid Monday, offering a 2.69% interest rate.

The agencies did express concern about the city's water and sewer funds, Matthews said.