Sunday, February 25, 2024

Drug bust at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda

A shoplifting call turned more serious after Montgomery County police officers responded to an incident at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda Friday afternoon, February 23, 2024. At least one individual was accused of also possessing a synthetic narcotic, and drug paraphernalia. The shoplifting incident was reported at the mall at 4:27 PM Friday.


  1. Crime is out of control in Montgomery County.

    1. Problems start with poor leadership and Marc Elrich is where most of the County’s problems begin. Very reluctant support of police. Poor management hiring. An experienced staff frustrated with his appointments who are simply going to retire. Complete lack of support for the business community except if your business is in biotech. Unused BRT buses and about spend $1.6B on more of these. Ask him why 36 of 47 overnight police calls on average are in downtown Silver Spring. Elrich has to go if we are going to save MoCo.

    2. You are SO RIGHT!

  2. Its out of control in the whole state of Maryland.

  3. It’s always been this bad now it’s reaching your neighborhood in MoCo and you want to say it’s out of control lol

    1. That's exactly right, I like many others I presume, moved to MOCO and pay premium prices for career opportunities, better schools, convenience, an less crime than neighboring counties such as PG and DC.

    2. Yes, and we used to live in PG before the crime drove us out into MoCo. It's time we drew a line in the sand.

    3. Bethesda is no different than anywhere else. Crime is crime.

  4. It’s out of control everywhere

  5. Everywhere is a problem and you have to be careful.

  6. Westfield ain't what it used to be.

  7. It’s a sad sad world

  8. Wow! What is happening in Maryland? Especially in Bethesda this days!

  9. Ppl turn blind eye until it hits their neighborhood stop thinking cause you live in certain areas your gonna be isolated. Crime knows no boundaries

    1. I don't think it's turning a blind eye because we Not use to it we won't go for it (MD )..But it's your higher people and your so called voted in, we have nothing to do with falling into a society system.

  10. Its time for the adults to start acting like adults and stop being kids friend.... CURFEW !!!! Unless, you're with an adult (parent or guardian- not your adult friend!!!), have to work or are at a school activity you should be home by 9:00p (school nights) and 11:00p (weekends). Of course, things happen- medical emergencies, family issues, etc. But that should not hinder the County from taking back their streets and bring order to the community. This isnt a long term fix, the County and school system should look at ways to engage these young people like with jobs, training, etc. If you wamt to change the landscape of the community, start creating economic opportunities.

    1. They do have that but you have to choose to do it and it pays for everything the whole nine yards even get your job at the end!!!
      They say it's like being a college....

  11. To solve this we should defund the police and use the money to rename high schools

  12. County council may soon debate whether to make shoplifting legal

  13. Moco is nothing compared to Baltimore city

  14. There is a surge in crime everywhere and nothing will prevent you from experiencing it if you move one or even two counties away. It is not happeningbecause we lack economic opportunities but rather because it is being encourage. People convicted of sexuqm crimess are being exalted amd insurrectioiiists are presidential candidates, why would someone committing petty theft think that they are doing anything wrong?

    1. I was agreeing with so much until you said "insurrectionists are Presidential candidates",that's kind of silly, but I certainly agree with everything else you said.

  15. Problem is very complicated and we can't arrest our way out of it. Parenting for sure is a problem, drugs, poverty, illiteracy. Comprehensive solutions are needed. My mother used to go to Montgomery Mall. It's very scary.

    1. We can arrest our way out,we did in 1990s.Arresting and locking people up works.letting dangerous criminals out onto the streets and defunding the police are the cause of this.

  16. Those illegals at the border where you think they going to be coming to nEXt by the bus loads you haven't seen crime yet👁

    1. ICE 🧊 will be very busy!😆

  17. The conversation here is ridiculous. Whomever seems to be saying that it is wrong to expect better in MOCO is just a troublemaker. Of course we have the right to demand better! We dump a lot of money into taxes here and our “leaders” are misallocating it into programs that clearly are having the wrong effect. Stop the nonsense. Get tough on crime. Lock them up. If they don’t belong here, ship them out. What more proof do you need?!?! All this talk about “science,” is bologna. Soft on crime = increase in crime. Tough on crime = safety. Simple as that. That’s science. And it doesn’t matter your race, religion, etc. if you commit the crime, you do the time. Let Police do their jobs! Put them back in schools while we are at it. Drive the gangs OUT of MOCO. Protect our kids. Period.
