Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Victim assaulted on street in Rockville

Rockville City police are investigating a 2nd-degree assault that was reported in the Rockville Town Center area yesterday afternoon, December 27, 2022. The assault was reported in the 300 block of Hungerfprd Drive at 3:00 PM Tuesday.


  1. MoCo County has become the world capitol of second-degree assualts under the Dimocraps.

    1. LOL!!! As if it wouldn’t happen under republicans? It’s not an us or them issue.

    2. Another cheap shot for the repuglican crowd. Stay in your lane and fix the growing mob of liars you house.

    3. Moco..World capital? Lol don’t think so..based on what, a few articles u subscribe to? There’s a lot going on everywhere-moco should be the least of your worries. We all have to. E careful and stop fueling hateful propaganda just to be an assjole

  2. Only an ignorant fool would pin a political party for the ignorance of a few.

  3. What a useless and uneducstional comment. Thanks for nothing

  4. Why no details? Seems to be happening a lot and it would be nice to know if it was random which is more scary

  5. Rockville became a very dangerous and insecure city due to lack of police on the streets and taxes go up every year
