Saturday, August 19, 2023

Diner threatened with gun at Rockville restaurant

Rockville City police are searching for a diner who threatened a fellow customer with a gun at a restaurant in the Rockville Town Center area. A dispute between the two customers at a restaurant in the 100 block of E. Montgomery Avenue broke out around 4:10 PM on August 7, 2023. As the argument escalated, one of the two threatened the other with a handgun. 

Police describe the suspect as a Black male with a beard and a "heavy build," six feet in height. If you have any information about this incident or suspect, call police at 240-314-8900.


  1. CLEARLY Self defense, if shot the gut

  2. Brilliant. One half block from the MoCo courthouse and around the corner from the Rockville Police.

    1. It's the same all over county. Crime rampant but police missing.

    2. You can thank your buffoon of a county exec for that as he defunded the police. And Rockville City police are a joke as they were missing even before the defund. Just like there should be foot patrols in downtown Silver Spring, at Westfield mall, at Montgomery mall there should also be foot patrols at Rockville Center to deter criminal activity. More money for the police and the very liberal judges need to start handing down stiffer sentences to criminals of all ages in this county. Fewer feel good social programs for criminals and stiffer sentences with longer jail time will get the point across that crime does not pay!

    3. Love the details of a restaurant in Rockville Town center. How about a name of the place and arent there cameras? Also, Elrich was installed. No chance he could have been elected. I saw him debate Reardon Sullivan at B'nai Israel and he was booed mercilessly. He should take the criminals and have them clean up the trash along 270. Looks like the border.

    4. 10:34 PM - Totally off topic, and racist comment. This is not the CE jurisdiction particularly, and the elections here, as in the nation, were fair and square. Take you MAGA mind elsewhere. Dyer do better at screening post. Though I doubt you will post this.

    5. Wait, how was that racist? Isn't everything racist these days? I'm sure my post is racist, too.

  3. Anyone concerned with the time of day with these incidents? 4 in the afternoon and attempted murder with deadly weapon tffff in Rockville?!

  4. If I help the police, does that mean I get paid?

  5. Maybe you shouldn’t carry a gun if lunch arguments are a good excuse to draw a weapon.

  6. This is probably a false claim.

  7. Keep electing democrats who let criminals out of jail with a slap on the wrist! Or, move to San Francisco, I heard they have this all under control.

    1. Go keep @1:07 company on his one-way trip.

  8. And Republicans have free gun to kill any human beings and especial children’s.
    See what happens now in any place in America the beautiful,one sample
    Juanuary 6 an they say there innocents
    Democrats save people’s and help any one

  9. Crime up and many younger people are reported to be dying suddenly or unexpected.

  10. Reduce calls from Karen/Kevin by being more descriptive about the suspect. over half of the black males in MC fits this bill 🤦🏽‍♀️
