Sunday, May 12, 2024

"Do not enter with mask," warns business at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda

"Do not enter with mask," a sign warns patrons at Perfume World in Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. A hand-drawn illustration next to the message depicts a full-face ski mask. The City of Philadelphia passed a ban on ski masks in many public places, with some exceptions, last year. Many jurisdictions across the country have a form of ski mask ban, while others have considered passing one amid a persistent spike in retail and violent crime since 2020. A few, including New York City and Washington, D.C., have repealed existing ski mask bans during that same time period.


  1. There is really no good reason to wear a ski mask indoors, or outdoors for that matter when you’re not skiing. Talk about getting profiled…

  2. Smartest store in Montgomery Mall.

  3. It should be like that every where

  4. They should clarify that this does not apply to N95-type or surgical masks that people wear out of medical caution given our recent experience with respiratory illnesses transmitted through the air. Wearing such masks remains prudent particularly for those who are especially vulnerable due to age or a suppressed immune system.

  5. Talk about something stupid,repealing a no-wearmask law when your city has a high crime rate. New law: Waering a ski mask in non winter weather and not in a ski area will result inbeing shot on sight. In other words do a criminal act and you get what you deserve and mothers if you taught your children better then they wouldnot do this and Idonot want any crying about "They shotmybaby." Wonder if mothers of gang membvers applaud their children when they commit crimes and if they accept money from them knowing it came from vriminalactivity?

  6. You don’t know what a Ski Mask is it’s a full face covering and you wear it in the winter time when you’re Skiing!

  7. Enforce lowering hoodie hoods also. If your wanna come inside, lower your hood!
