Monday, May 20, 2024

Police called after aggravated assault at Rockville school

Rockville City police were called to a school after an aggravated assault was reported there early Friday afternoon, May 17, 2024. The assault was reported at a school in the 600 block of Great Falls Road at 1:45 PM Friday. Julius West Middle School is located at 651 Great Falls Road.


  1. BMF…The society is deteriorating under the Democrat leadership of schools: poor scholastic results among Blacks and Hispanics; rampant bullying and violence; no consequences for juvenile offenders. You get what you voted for.

  2. Schools were so much better long ago

  3. There is so much to unpack about what is happening in society and schools right now that one cannot simply blame a political party for all its vows. Why don’t we talk about mental health, access to programs for those that need it. I think the Democratic Party has done more for the middle class than any Republican Party ever did.

    1. Thank you. Finally, a real voice of reasoning.

  4. No. I attended JW 55 years ago and there were always fights. Either us against the Lincoln Park boys or us against the Travilah hillbillies. They just never called the cops back then.

    1. That's funny, I went to school in Montgomery County in 1970s in elementary school and 1980s in junior high and High school and don't recall ever seeing a fight.

  5. Love the racist comments and generally stupid comments by these individual who refuse to sign their names. Cowards!

    1. Hahahahaha! Good one, Anonymous 5:11 PM! Coward!

  6. LMAO.....I learned how to FIGHT at J.W.J.H.S......The TEACHERS were TOUGH AS NAILS and could EASILY Handel any SITUATION......."NOT TODAY"........
