Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Progress on Rockville Town Center road diet (Photos)

The road diet strategy in Rockville Town Center continues to be implemented. Beall Avenue is now getting the treatment alongside Rockville Town Square, between MD 355 and N. Washington Street. In addition to reconfiguring the uses and capacity of the street, as was done on E. Middle Lane and N. Washington, flowery artwork is also being applied to the roadway. The City of Rockville received a Bloomberg Philanthropies Asphalt Art grant for this artwork in 2023, "to draw attention to Town Center and highlight the multimodal facilities."


  1. A waste of asphalt and now difficult to navigate all those fence post barriers.

  2. Its a nice project and im happy they are adding much needed street parking to the town center. Unfortunately these bike lanes wont be well used because complementary bike lanes dont exist on 355 and they havent extended bike pavement markings into the West End

    1. Route 355 is a state highway and those lanes would reqire state implementation. The Wes End area has bike lanes as part of the City's Bike Master Plan. Beall Avenue, Monroe Street, Middle Lane, and West Montgomery Avenue all have dedicated bike lanes. https://rockvillemd.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b5620c3923004e8cb68964d00226a2c6

  3. The "Yellow Brick Road" madness creates deliberate traffic hazards for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians alike. At night the moving shadows of the fence posts create the illusion of pedestrians. However, the geniuses of MCDOT know better and defy common sense.

  4. i agree... never enough bike lanes! any time they add them we need to advocate for more. we need to get these cars if our roadways!

  5. Why are we painting the street?

  6. Why waste roadways with bike lanes there always is a lot of traffic and by wasting it it cuts down on the roadways
