Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Congressional Plaza Lebanese Taverna temporarily closes ahead of move

Future home of Lebanese Taverna
at Congressional Plaza
Lebanese Taverna has temporarily closed at Congressional Plaza, as the restaurant prepares to move to the other wing of the shopping center on Rockville Pike. Its new location is a bit smaller, and the menu will be a bit simpler, featuring a condensed selection of their most popular items. The new Lebanese Taverna will be next to Modern Market. Their Rockville Town Square location at 115-A Gibbs Street remains open for business if you can't wait for your favorite Lebanese Taverna meal.
Current construction status of the
new Lebanese Taverna location
Their current spot in the shopping center,
now closed


  1. IS LT downsizing is yet another example of the MORIBUND MORIBUND county?

  2. Buh bye Baba Ganoush.
