Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Amalfi Ristorante Italiano cautious on Phase 2 Montgomery County reopening, predicts July return

Montgomery County will move into Phase 2 of its reopening from the coronavirus lockdown on Friday at 5:00 PM, which will permit indoor dining at 50% of capacity. Amalfi Ristorante Italiano won't be among the Rockville establishments taking the leap of faith, however. The owners say it's too financially risky to restock the restaurant now, given the risk of a spike in coronavirus cases in the region that could force another abrupt shutdown, and the potential reluctance of many to eat at restaurants.

They say they plan to wait for Phase 3. Amalfi estimates right now that they could reopen July 7, perhaps by then having a better gauge of just how strong the market is for dining-in, as opposed to rolling the dice beforehand.


  1. There is a 0.0% I'd dine inside when there are so many viable, safer outdoor options. Sorry, Amalfi.

  2. Texas, Florida, Arizona, Oregon, Oklahoma all getting to critical mass of new cases and hospitalizations. How long before it starts up again in Maryland?
