Friday, January 25, 2013


If you live on or near N. Horners Lane in Rockville, be sure to lock your car doors, and make sure to remove any valuables.

Two vehicles have been opened by thieves on that street this week, according to crime data.  The incidents occurred on Sunday, January 20, in the 600 block, and Tuesday, January 22, in the 400 block of N. Horners.

Other crimes around Rockville:

Sunday, January 20:

Assault. 1800 block of Rockville Pike.

Theft. 1500 block of Rockville Pike.

Monday, January 21:

Assault. 12200 block of Rockville Pike.

Theft. Clyde's Tower Oaks Lodge.

Burglary. 1000 block of 1st Street.

Theft. Research Court.

Theft. 300 block of Hungerford Drive.

Assault/other sex offense.  W. Montgomery Avenue.

Tuesday, January 22:

Robbery. 1700 block of Rockville Pike.

Theft. 5700 block of Bou Avenue.

Theft from vehicle. 100 block of Halpine Road.

Theft from vehicle. 15400 block of Frederick Road.

Theft. W. Montgomery Avenue.

Theft. Choke Cherry Road.

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