Monday, January 22, 2018

Pour Vino n Hops coming to Rockville Town Center

Pour Vino n Hops will be the newest ground floor retail tenant at The Upton apartments at 44 Maryland Avenue in Rockville Town Center. This will be the second beer-and-wine based business at the Duball, LLC-developed property. World of Beer is around the corner facing "Regal Row." Pour Vino n Hops will be serving craft beer and wine, in addition to selling it.


  1. Could you provide a source for more information? I'm interested in learning more but can't find anything--no public notice, website, etc. Thanks!

    1. Their is a liquor license notice on the store front.

    2. 10:35: They currently don't have any of those - no website, social media, etc. Rockville Nights is currently the only source of info on this business, it appears.

    3. Is your source the notice on the storefront?
