Monday, December 17, 2018

MoCo cartel ramming through bill to make it harder for GOP, progressive Democrats to run for County Council

Cartel Democrats
take page out of
playbook to 
favor incumbents

The citizens of Montgomery County haven't asked Delegate Eric Luedtke (D - District 14) to make it harder for Republicans and progressive Democrats to run for the County Council. But cartel Democrats who swept the Council elections in November - and want to hold those seats for the next twelve years - have. As have their developer sugar daddies, who are still stinging from the only race they lost out of dozens, County Executive. Luedtke has quietly filed Bill MC 6-19 in Annapolis, which would require everyone seeking to run for the Council to collect 1000 signatures if running At-Large, or 250 signatures if running for the less-contested district seats. 

Such a change would strongly favor incumbent cartel Democrats, who don't want to have to compete in a large field with progressive Democrats not beholden to developers in 2022. And the cartel doesn't want truly progressive County Executive Marc Elrich to gain any allies on the Council in 2022, either. The change would also impact Republican candidates as well. Both progressive Democrat and GOP candidates would be discouraged from running for office, the clear intent of the legislation.

The Luedtke bill goes strongly against the tide of his own party's stance on voting rights. While the trend outside of red states has been to make it easier to participate in the electoral process, Luedtke and the bill's backers actually want to make it tremendously more difficult for the average citizen to participate.

In fact, Bill MC 6-19 would implement a throwback barrier to candidacy that has been used in other states to discourage African-Americans from running for office - a fake requirement of the free time and financial resources needed to collect 1000 signatures. Is this the Democratic Party in Montgomery County in 2018?

Nancy Floreen is the prime example of why Luedtke and the cartel are trying to ram this bill through. Floreen, enjoying nearly $1 million in developer cash donations, was able to obtain thousands of signatures to qualify as an unaffiliated candidate for County Executive in 2018. She did not collect them herself; she hired signature collectors to storm the County. 

So, too, would the Council incumbents - and cartel-funded newcomers - be able to quickly get their 1000 signatures, without ever breaking a sweat themselves. Republicans and progressive Democrats? Not so much. 

This is an outrageous attempt to limit the ability to run for public office to only the well-funded and well-connected, and to the sugar daddies who pull their puppet strings. It must be stopped.

Contact your delegate by email or phone today, and tell them to vote against Bill MC 6-19 .


  1. Why does the losing side always screams RIGGED ELECTIONS. The democrats did it with this out of control Russia investigation, and our President screamed fraud when it was clear Hillary Clinton had the popular vote. Now it is happening again in North Carolina where the Democrat lost.

    Aaaaand now there is you. I also can't see why you say "progressive" democrats. You really WANT them on the council with you? And by that measure aren't all Democrats 'progressive'?

    1. 9:30: No, Democrats who use their Democratic forebears tactics like petition requirements to access the ballot are most definitely not progressive.

      Neither are those who are funded by developers.

      Yes, I would want progressive Democrats on the Council with me - we have a lot more in common than with the cartel Democrats. Rent stabilization, for example. That currently has zero votes on our cartel-controlled Council.

      If "all Democrats" were progressive, it would have 9 votes, right?

      By the way, I continue to compile precinct results, and it gets worse and worse as far as the anomalous results from certain precincts. We may well have had vote tampering and/or voter fraud in this election.

    2. Well then go public and call the local TV stations, the Washington Post and the Examiner. Go to Annapolis get an appointment with Hogan.

      Repeating yourself here in this blog isn't going to be taken seriously. Compile your data, get it verified by a third party. Get a lawyer.

    3. 5:00 PM: That's exactly what I'm doing - compiling data, getting it verified by the state, then taking whatever legal steps are appropriate.

    4. What have you "gotten verified by the state" so far?

    5. 9:17: Nothing - I'm still compiling the data from each precinct.

  2. Your definition of compiling is manipulation. Trump Univ. taught you well.

    1. 10:11: The data is from the Board of Elections - are you saying they manipulated it?

    2. No, just that you're lying about it. Sorest loser ever!

    3. 8:48: LOL - the precinct data is from the BOE, and easily verified.

    4. If that's the case, then what do you need to compile as proof of malfeasance?

  3. "Anomalous precinct results" = people not voting for Robert Dyer

  4. Remember when Robert Dyer told voters not to vote for any of the other three Republicans running for County Council At-Large?

  5. Thanks for a link to the file. Can't find that on the MD General Assembly website though. Could you please provide a link to it on the MD General Assembly website so that its existence "in the system" can be verified?

  6. never mind. MoCo delegation website has it listed as deleted as of 12/19/18. Might want to update your reporting. Any one else curious why this was pulled?

  7. 3:38: Probably because I made the public aware of it, and they're going to go back to the smoke-filled room and try to come up with a new version, like the ITA bill.
