Friday, May 6, 2022

Rockville Economic Development, Inc. launches survey of business community needs

Rockville Economic Development, Inc.
(REDI) yesterday announced the launch of its 2022 survey of business community needs. The feedback gathered from city businesses will be used to improve REDI's and the City's efforts to promote economic development, and create a thriving business environment. Over $1200 value in prizes will be given away via random drawing to a few of the businesses that fill out the online survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete. The survey can be accessed online.

“The responses from the survey will be crucial in helping REDI, the City and key stakeholders prioritize what will best serve our local business community,” REDI CEO Cynthia Rivarde said in a statement Thursday. REDI is a public-private partnership that helps businesses launch, locate, expand in the City of Rockville.

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