Saturday, October 7, 2023

Rockville bus shelter video screen smashed (Photos)

The video screen displaying transit information at the Ride On ExtRa bus stop on Rockville Pike at Edmonston Drive has been smashed. There is a large hole in the center of the screen. It appears to be the work of intentional vandalism, unless road debris generated by a passing vehicle struck the screen. Surveillance cameras at nearby businesses may show what happened if police investigate. The Ride On ExtRa service operates every 20 minutes during peak rush hour periods between the Lakeforest Transit Center and the Bethesda Medical Center Metro station along MD 355.


  1. Shows you can keep cool stuff, safe in Montgomery County. For a minute

  2. Makes no sense to put a video screen at a bus stop knowing that it will be vandalized. With all the problems Metro has with fare avoiders and getting new trains the last thing that they need to be spending money on is a video screen at a bus stop. What a waste of money and the cost of the screen should be taken out of the salaries of the people who thought that this was a brilliant idea!

    1. FYI, these screens are not the product of Metro, but that of MoCo RideOn serving their bus service primarily.
