Friday, December 6, 2024

Rockville snack thief uses hot ramen cup as weapon in escape

A resourceful snack thief employed a steaming cup of ramen noodles against those blocking his escape in Rockville on November 20, 2024. Rockville City police report that the suspect was caught allegedly stealing a bag of chips from a business in the 200 block of N. Washington Street at 7:35 PM that evening. Confronted by employees, the suspect tossed the noodle cup at his accusers, and fled.

Police describe the suspect as a Hispanic male with a red beard. He was wearing a brown jacket. If you can identify this suspect, you are asked to call police at 240-314-8900.


  1. LMAO.....well better than a sushi roll!

  2. What they are describing is Santa Claus in disguise!
