Friday, January 3, 2025

Maryland 2025 utility bills increase under Wes Moore, MD Gen. Assembly plan

"We helped lower utility bills," Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) declared in a New Year's Eve video recapping the 2024 legislative "accomplishments" of his office and colleagues in the Maryland General Assembly. As Maryland utility customers are beginning to realize as 2025 begins, Moore lied. Pepco has just informed customers that, beginning this month, their electric bills will be increasing by at least 5%. The reasons? Laws passed by our elected officials in Annapolis.

While our elected officials try to hide new taxes and fees by having businesses collect them, such as bag taxes, Pepco has been upfront in their billing communications about government being the reason for the new charges and increases. In their message to customers, Pepco cites the new "EmPOWER MD" surcharge of 4% that was rammed through the legislature and signed by Moore in 2023. Moore and those in the legislature who supported the increased surcharge to energy utilities knew full well that the amount would be passed on directly to utility customers. This is theft, not "efficiency."

A second reason Pepco cites is that it is facing a 1% increase in its supply costs, a direct result of "supply and demand by generator plants." Why is the supply of electricity down? Because the same Maryland legislature has ordered the closure of not one, not two, but eight coal-fired power stations across the state over the last 13 years. With AI, data centers, and electric vehicles contributing to an all-time high in energy demands, Maryland is trending in the opposite direction of dwindling supply and rising costs.

In claiming to have lowered residents' utility bills, Gov. Moore lied. His claim would earn Four Pinocchios, if The Washington Post were to fact check our local elected officials' frequent false claims. They don't. Kudos to Pepco for telling the truth.


  1. So you think we are alone;

    Utility rates in Virginia are expected to increase in 2025 due to a number of factors, including rising energy demand, commodity costs, and labor and material costs:

    Dominion Energy
    Dominion Energy predicts that Virginia residents' power bills will increase by at least 2.7% annually through 2039. The company says that energy demand in Virginia is growing faster than at any time since World War I.

    Admit it, you despise Gov. Moore, PERIOD!

    1. 10:43: I don't despise Gov. Moore, but I do oppose politicians intentionally increasing the cost of living for their constituents.

      Our increases are much higher than Virginia's, and a direct result of legislation passed in Annapolis. One, a direct charge passed onto consumers, and second, taking eight power plants offline. Gee, I wonder if that will reduce supply? Heckuva job, Brownie!

  2. Didn't Governor Moore lie about his military record also?

  3. Moore is terrible for Maryland. Land taxes going up 23% this year. You never own anything because these crooks in government feed their wallets instead of the Americans. Stop voting democrats, haven’t you Marylanders learned anything yet?


    2. Moore taxes, Moore energy bills,less police, Moore crime,Moore people flooding into Maryland.

  4. Keep giving the state employees more holidays and using tax payers money for it and then you have the nerve to say you need to raise our utilities bills this administration is like every other one before it keep putting those liberals in charge and they keep taking away from us and we are forced to ask the state for financial assistance

    1. You and most people are looking at it wrong and therefore are worried about the wrong sh*t. It's not liberals vs conservatives. That's what both parties want. If we're fighting each other we don't see them talking everything and blaming the other. What's so difficult to understand? Or is it much simpler and like most who b*tch about liberals. You're a misogynist and a racist.

    2. How exactly is that racist. Pull the blinders off and look at the whole picture. Nothing good has happened with moore in office for the working class. Only cost moore.

  5. Moore is nothing more than a “Snake Oil Salesman”, period !

    1. I have said that since the final vote was counted

  6. I'm A senior citizen and my electric and gas have increased but my social security is not nearly enough to keep up. I see a new Governor being elected soon.

  7. Where is the source for this speech?

  8. Keep voting Democrat you idiots!

  9. If we keep voting in the wrong people then we get what we deserve.

  10. Researchers have shown 60% of the pandemic inflation was directly caused by corporate greed. But go ahead and believe your corporate overlords.

  11. I moved here a few years ago to be close to my son in Baltimore.But the taxes and the cost of living here are just outrageous for a senior. I'm going to have to go back to a state where there is no state income tax. And that will cover my basic living expenses for the whole year by saving what I'm having to pay in state income tax here in Maryland, high MVA cost and now higher utility bills.

  12. Moore has been spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave since his election. Without the Biden administration's unsustainable shoveling of money to him , a fiscal reckoning is coming

  13. Comments here show why Maryland is in the poor state we’re in: we’re self-righteous idiots.
