Monday, December 12, 2016

New Montgomery County Liquor Store opens in Rockville (Photos)

A new Montgomery County Liquor store has opened in the former Kam Sam Supermarket at 300 N. Washington Street in Rockville.


  1. This is such BS... I'm sooo disappointed. I was so hyped and excited about a new restaurant in place of old Kam Sam ( that I was going to overlook the loss of a decent Asian supermarket.

    Who needs another Liquor/Wine place?? As if there isn't enough of them on Rockville Pike (,-77.1452412,15z)

    Sorry, had to rant... just too upset.

    1. Just have another drink... that will calm you down.

      BTW, I know a close by liquor store, where you can get that drink.

  2. There's a wonderful Asian market in Rockville pike . It's supposed to be same owners .
