Friday, April 17, 2020

Car stolen in Rockville Town Center

A car was stolen in Rockville Town Center on April 15. According to crime data, the car was parked on the street on Courthouse Square when it was reported stolen around 8:11 PM that evening.


  1. While on the subject of town center, add First Watch to the list of restaurants closed due to Covid-19.

  2. A Friend sent me a picture today of a line of people stretching for blocks down Parklawn Dr.The people were in line to get a free bag of groceries from the Mega Mart on Parklawn Dr.
    No social Distancing at all but people standing right next to each other in line,there must be at least 60 people in the picture he sent and the line of people continue past the picture in both directions.

    Maybe these people don't speak English or understand the Social Distancing rules?

    1. I saw a picture of the line and everyone was distanced. It's literally the reason why the line stretched so long.

  3. I saw a the video on the news and i saw pictures and the Montgomery County Police shut down one of the Mega Marts stores because the people were not supposed to be gathering in crowds of hundreds to get food.they were absolutely not 6 feet apart.

  4. Regarding the Mega Mart lines... As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Judging from the aerial video, some people were closer than 6 feet and some were correctly social distancing. The real issue may be that Mega Mart, although socially compassionate regarding their giving free food to those in need, did not coordinate with local officials, who could have made the food give away into a more orderly process. Please judge for yourself. Here's the link for the video:

  5. There are multiple Mega Marts in Montgomery County though, and all of them were giving away free groceries, so you are just using one example of the store which was on tv.The store in Gaithersburg had to be shut down because the Police deemed that it was a dangerous situation of a large crowd gathered with no social distancing. So the real problem is that these are people who for whatever reason decided that they didn't want any contact with the authorities and were putting not only each other at risk,but also the whole community. A major problem indeed.

    1. So how are the people at the mega mart any different than the protesters demanding the country be opened?

  6. Are there protesters in Gaithersburg and Montgomery County demanding the Country be reopened?
