Saturday, September 30, 2023

Strong-arm robbery at Rockville grocery store

A Rockville grocery store that has recently made news for the wrong reasons is back in the headlines again. Rockville City police responded to a report of a strong-arm robbery at a supermarket in the 600 block of Hungerford Drive Thursday morning, September 28, 2023. The robbery was reported at the store at 10:00 AM Thursday. There is a Giant store on that block of Hungerford Drive, where 3 people have been assaulted since August 11 of this year.


  1. Keep sending the wrong message to criminals, they know they can get away with it, have all respect/fear of authorities. Rockville is not a safe place anymore

  2. That's why I conceal carry.

  3. With the administration that’s in the White House things are only gonna get worse

    1. Here comes a MAGA cultist commenting.

    2. In Montgomery County? MAGA? It’s easy to to tell who is in the cult

  4. Wow great story thanks for telling us the store where the robbery occurred

  5. Criminals are more active than ever because of a weak police force, change in policy and low budget, no more real police to fight crime, less assets on the street and a failed court system.

    1. Totally agree. MOCO council is directly responsible fortheincrease in crime in

  6. Criminals are everywhere, it's how the community works with the law enforcement and how law enforcement works with the person/community. Our laws need to change to protect the innocent and the laws must be for every creed, race, color, and religion. When our system is honest, crime will take a back seat, when law enforcement don't care then criminals don't care. Everyone needs to be respected!!! And our Judicial system would sentence people of guilt with the same jail time for the crime, it would help with less crime, how do you expect people to act being sentence longer or shorter due to money, color, race, creed, or religion.
    This Country needs "Morals" stop adjusting our Country's Leadership of standards to fit others, they must adhere to us, so we can grow together in the right directions, teach by strong leadership not dictatorship/not by position but caring.

  7. I bet anything they repeat offenders, lock them up so law abiding citizens can live without fear.
    When will the courts get the meseage.

  8. So much for a sanctuary county

  9. Give it a few more years, and there will be no police and rampant crime. Just like the old west but no sheriff.

  10. I give any/all the whiners here a one-way ticket to FL provided you never return.

    1. Being anti-crime is being a whiner?
