Monday, July 1, 2024

New public art installed at Rockville Town Square (Photos)

When life gives you a failing town center, make art. That's just what the City of Rockville and property owner Morguard have done with a large storefront that has been vacant for a painfully-long time at Rockville Town Square. The windows of what was to be HalfSmoke at 36-A Maryland Avenue are now hosting a new public art installation. "The LOVE Mural" was painted by artist Lisa Marie Thalhammer with assistance from members of the community during this month's Rockville Pride event.

"Together, we are painting this world a rainbow," a plaque near the mural states. "'The LOVE Mural' project honors the beautiful diversity of our world and connects us through the power of public art creation. Through love we can come together and solve our world's most challenging issues, empowering us to listen and value each other. By painting LOVE we celebrate each other and amplify positive energy authentically around the world, elevating respect and equity for all beings."


  1. Pay no attention to the vacant, void, and empty space behind the artful curtain. Said no one ever.

  2. Sad joke: Competition will be fierce between vis arts, the Rockville science center, or some other Rockville/Moco government instrumentality to fill the Dawson’s space.

    1. Try another clue, that's not Dawson's space.

    2. Yeah… no duh. Statement on overall sadness and cluelessness for RTS.

  3. Waste of time and money. They should be implementing other creative things to enhance area. It’s not rocket science

  4. It is the saddest failure (RTS) that once had a lot of promise, energy and retail. The entire area (for blocks around) is in a free fall. I have only been back 18 years now from a brief stint away. Can’t imagine what this bleak streetscape will be in another five years. Maybe the brilliant economic minds running the County have a solution at hand!

    1. As I have said over and over to you people, THIS IS NOT THE COUNTY'S MATTER!

  5. Bunch of negative Nancy’s…
    The arts space is a good thing. You all wouldn’t be able to appreciate something if it was staring at you in the face

  6. * Paid parking has always been an issue in Rockville Town Square. Rio parking is free.
    * Bring back then Summer Rooftop parties
    * Reopen Gibbs Street to traffic so those businesses get more exposure
    * Don't build senior housing in the middle of your town center. The new one across from Regal killed the energy.

    1. Closing Gibbs was the best thing to happen to town center. I've lived in RTC for 9 years and literally everyone universally prefers Gibbs closed. The vibe on Gibbs is the only thing RTC has going for it.
