Sunday, June 30, 2024

Police called after assault at auto dealership in Rockville

Rockville City police responded to a report of a 2nd-degree assault on Rockville Pike this past Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The assault was reported at an auto dealership in the 800 block of Rockville Pike at 12:00 PM. There are two dealerships located on that block. 


  1. If this is supposed to be a news story, how about including the most important element- the NAME of the car dealership!!

    1. Why would I speculate and post possibly false information if police have not yet identified the business by name?

    2. Mr. Dyer, as a journalist in the area, you could visit the location or use contacts you should have in the area of the event so you can post the details. Also, do you ever post follow up articles with the details? I never see this on NewsBreak.

    3. 7:02: I do post articles as more information becomes available. For example, the assault at the beer store on N. Washington. Police later identified the business, and that it was a stabbing, and I posted about that. At the same time, police may not provide updates or further details on other incidents I report. But I think we can agree that there is value to the public in knowing what is happening in our community, even if some incidents are never publicly commented on by the authorities.

  2. Likely it's one of the fine residents from the Homeless shelter MoCo dropped right next to the dealership. Police are called to the area all day/night. Feel sorry for anyone that bought a condo or living in those new apartments on Nebel Street.

    1. This is further up near First Street.

    2. Tell us you've never been to Rockville without telling us you've never been to Rockville.

  3. So it was at Ourisman VW and Mazda.

    1. There is also a Chevrolet dealership on the same block.
