Some residents have expressed dissatisfaction with having only seven days to review an extensive amount of material on the legislation. If adopted, the new policy would codify the role of the Rockville City Police Department in relation to federal immigration law. In plain English, it would formally establish the city's currently-informal status as a Sanctuary City for those who are in the country illegally.
Such status could result in the loss of federal funds for Rockville, one reason the county executives of Montgomery and Howard counties have opposed similar legislation. It is largely a question of semantics for Montgomery, as it currently meets the definition of a Sanctuary County, but does not formally refer to itself as such.
The public hearing will be at 7:00 PM at City Hall this coming Monday, March 6, 2017. To sign up to speak, call the City Clerk's Office at 240-314-8280 by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
how many times can i say ADIOS in three minutes?
DeleteWhy would 2/28 be a racist? Illegal is illegal. Plain and simple. Folks like you are quick to label anyone a racist that disagrees with your views on ILLEGAL immigration. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteIt would have been one thing for “Anonymous February 28, 2017 at 2:19 PM” to have said, ‘I don’t require three minutes to state my case against undocumented or illegal residents. I do not believe that they have a right to be here.’ I don’t agree with that, but something stated in such a way would have expressed the writer’s feelings without racial undertones. But when the writer says, “how many times can i say ADIOS in three minutes?” that smacks of racism. How is it that ALL undocumented residents speak Spanish, which is what the writer’s statement implies. What if the issue had been about people of Japanese descent, would it have been okay to say, “how many times can i say SAYONARA in three minutes? In this case, the use of the word “ADIOS” injected race into the comment. It was not necessary and is not welcome anywhere and certainly not welcome in Rockville, one of the most diverse cities in the U.S.A.
DeleteI agree with Anonymous March 1, 2017 at 12:09 PM.
Deleteyou both need to get real. that's why rockville sucks the sour egg!
DeleteDon't be afraid to do your own house cleaning and yard work. Send the illegal sponges home! PS... I live in Rockville!
Delete@ AnonymousMarch 2, 2017 at 8:15 AM: “Don't be afraid to do your own house cleaning and yard work.” “Send the illegal sponges home!” Yes, you live in Rockville and yes, you’re a racist.
DeleteLet's leave the ADIOS thing aside, I'm completely against illegal immigration yet I can understand how the ADIOS comment can be hurtful. We don't need to go there.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, illegal means illegal. There's a right way and a wrong way, period. Those who cross over illegally know they are doing so. You do the crime, be prepared to do the time. It should cross one's mind that there may be consequences to their actions. I would expect this to be absolutely no different if the situation was reversed and Americans were immigrating illegally elsewhere. But we will not be made out to be the tyrants here for enforcing basic laws that have been on the books for decades. The US is no special case, any self-respecting nation would do the same. I cannot believe this is even being debated. If we start condoning one crime en masse, where do we stop?
I don't blame those wanting to come over one bit. I'm an immigrant but I came here legally. It is an insult to those like me who paid their dues (monetary and otherwise). What do you say to those who came over legally and are patiently waiting their turn to do so now?
I am sick of these words "undocumented" and "dreamers". These are politically correct words meant to water down the significance of what has been done and guilt us into submission. Those who come up with these terms should be ashamed of themselves. There is no undocumented. We are not talking about having a store membership card in one's wallet, we are talking about one's right to be in a country legally, big difference. And as far as dreamers, I do empathize with those children, they were brought or born here through no control of their own. However let me pose a couple questions - are the children of citizens and legal immigrants not dreamers? Are those that are patiently waiting to immigrate legally not dreamers? Let's not make it seem as if these are the only poor kids in the world trying to strive to success here.
In the end all that I ask is that we be fair. This is NOT discrimination, it is enforcement of law and protection of one's country and citizens. I encourage legal immigration from all parts of the world, let's just do it the right way!
@ Anonymous March 2, 2017 at 9:37 AM
DeleteAgreed, let’s leave the racists’ arguments aside. Racist comments only weaken the claims of those opposed to sanctuary for undocumented (or illegal) immigrants. You may be sick of politically correct terms like "undocumented" and "dreamers," but I’m sick of racist remarks. The politically correct terms may be irritating to some, but racist language is offensive to most and just plain wrong.
That said, there’s nothing wrong with how you have presented your case. I may not agree with you, but I defend your right to freedom of expression.
Yes, illegal is illegal, however, you present your argument in absolutes. First about children, who were born in the US to undocumented (illegal) immigrants: It looks like you may have things a little muddled when you say “I do empathize with those children, they were brought or born here through no control of their own.” Children of undocumented (illegal) immigrants, who were not born in the U.S. are themselves undocumented (illegal) immigrants. Children of undocumented (illegal) immigrants, who were born in the U.S. are citizens of the United States.
In either scenario, deporting an eight year old, who has essentially grown up as an American citizen, but is technically “illegal” is unconscionable. Deporting only the parents of a child (U.S. citizen), who are themselves undocumented (illegal) immigrants, leaving the child to fend for themselves, is also unconscionable. Taking that child (a U.S. citizen) to a country (e.g. Mexico) is not always possible. Do you really want to tear families apart?
And yes, yes, I know you will be responding with … “well then, the undocumented (illegal) parents are responsible… they should have thought of this before they entered the country… they’ve created the problem.’ Again, I guess if you look at things in absolutes, that’s the way you may see it.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting secure borders, but for those who have been here a while… for those who are not breaking the law (other than the fact that they’re here), for those who contribute to the fabric of our society and culture… How about a little compassion? I would not want to see a 1930’s style round up and purge of 11 million or more people in our county. This is not who we are as Americans.
I’m all for legal immigration, but this is not a perfect world or a perfect system… it never will be. Let’s try to approach this issue in a more compassionate way.
@ Anonymous March 2, 2017 at 9:37 AM - Excellent points. Well articulated and thoughtful.
DeleteBravo! Well said, Anonymous March 2, 2017 at 9:37 AM!