Sunday, April 17, 2022

Hans Riemer touts $725K funding haul in Montgomery County Executive race

Montgomery County Councilmember Hans Riemer (D - At-Large) announced that February and March 2022 have been his strongest fundraising months so far in his campaign for County Executive. His fundraising total now stands at $725,292, and his campaign believes it is on a pace to top $1 million and max out the public financing system. 

Riemer had raised almost $500,000 by the time of his January campaign filing, meaning that more than $225,292 was brought in between then and his April 15 filing. Incumbent County Executive Marc Elrich (D) raised $27,805 in eligible private contributions between January 13, 2022 and April 4, according to his campaign's most recent filing with the Maryland State Board of Elections. Elrich had $390,144.91 in his County Executive campaign account as of April 4, and qualified for another $85,000 in matching public funds. Both men are using public financing.

“We’re powered by grassroots donors who want to see Montgomery County making faster progress on jobs and housing, climate action and policing reform,” Riemer said in a statement. “Our supporters are looking for a stronger commitment to kids and education than what they have seen from the Executive and they want leadership that is focused on the future, not stuck in the past.” Riemer's press release said his campaign contributions came from 1,149 individual County residents, and that he is accepting no money from corporations, PACs, or any contributions over $250.

Democrat Peter James is the only other candidate in the race to file an April report as of today. He only recently entered the race and has raised less than $1000. Democrat David Blair is not required to file a report this month because his committee was formed prior to the January filing, and he is not using public financing. Republicans Shelly Skolnick and Reardon Sullivan have not filed a finance report yet; both just entered the race last week. Democrat Tom Hucker dropped out of the County Executive race Friday night.


  1. Policing Reform?I don't understand what these people are talking about, does Hans Riemer understand that crime in the County is skyrocketing?

  2. It would be good for Mr Riemer on more affordable housing. Is it possible that he's working with the Housing and Community Affairs Director Mr.Aseem Nigam on this task?
