Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Five Guys reopens at Rockville Town Square

The panic is over. Burgers and fries are once again being served at 130 Gibbs Street. Five Guys has reopened at Rockville Town Square. The food is just as you remember it, but the space has been renovated. Now we can get back to debating which premium burger is best, Five Guys, In-N-Out Burger, or Shake Shack?


  1. Panic? What panic? Who exactly panicked and how do you know this?

    Why are you such a drama queen?

  2. That's not fair! You can't compare these three contestants when we can only (fairly) judge two LOL. BEHAVE YOURSELF!!!

  3. In-n-out burger? That is a California chain. I swear you are turning into a Soy Boy more everyday
