Thursday, May 18, 2023

Assault at 7-Eleven on Shady Grove Road

Montgomery County police responded to a report of an assault at the 7-Eleven store at 15900 Shady Grove Road, on the border of Rockville and Gaithersburg, early Tuesday morning, May 16, 2023. The assault was reported at 1:43 AM Tuesday. 


  1. Nothing good happens at 1:43 AM. Why stay open? It's asking for trouble.

    1. FYI There is a very large overnight workforce who do depend on services at these hours, including doctors, nurses, police, and in the vicinity of this store shipping service workers. Perhaps you should try thinking outside the box for a change.

    2. You probably also blame women for being raped...

    3. In situations such as that I blame only you and your sick mind.

  2. This seven eleven gets robbed every other week. This location they may need to think about security or something.

  3. @ 6:40 AM - Per their name, they used to be open only from 7 AM until 11 PM. Maybe they should return to that. Maybe it's ultimately a good thing that other stores are ending their overnight hours.

  4. Probably drunk people leaving Irock

  5. Robert, you are missing a National story that took place in Rockville. A famous person (hint: wears dresses) was arrested in Rockville on Wednesday.

  6. Worst jobs right now: CVS and 7 Eleven workers. Always being robbed wasn't in the job description.

  7. Something happened that wasn't good at a late night convenience store immediately off the interstate? Quelle surprise.
