Friday, October 26, 2018

Dawson's Market to close this weekend

The last-ditch effort to save Dawson's Market has failed. Dawson's owner now plans to close as scheduled October 27. The only good news is that everything in the store will be 50% off now.


  1. This is a shame.Dawsons was a good store.I liked the live music they had on weekends.

  2. The GM is now buying the rights to the name and brand and is gonna reopen the store to be more like a regular store. Goodluck getting youre gofundme money back.

    1. I donated to the GoFundMe page they had set up, and as promised they issued refunds to everyone who contributed a day or so before they closed.

  3. Really sad that Dawson's closed down. If had reopened you know Robert would have been the first one to make it public. Oh well. Very sad.

    Oh hold it a sec....never minf
